On 7th November at 5:30 pm, a group of youth met at Firvale Community Hub for an informal chat about “racist language.” Around 15 people, aged 18-24 and from the local area, took part. A member of the the Equality Commission in London joined over video to discuss the kinds of offensive language that might make people from minority backgrounds feel uncomfortable. The conversation aimed to understand how often racist language is used and to get a sense of the level of racism, if any, in Sheffield.
Events & Awards
Firvale Community Hub has been achieving a number of awards in all aspects of its delivery.
These have been given to FCH for the outstanding contributions made to the life’s of people in the city of Sheffield.
Room Hire
For information about Room Hire, please send an email with your contact details and requirements to:
Prices are negotiable.
Contact our team today

127 Page Hall Road, Sheffield, S4 8GU
MON-FRI 09:00 - 19:00, SAT-SUN 10:00 - 14:00
Email: info@firvalecommunityhub.org.uk
Phone: (0114) 261 9130
Reg. Charity: 1152121 |
Company number: 8409928
OISC Registrsation Number: N200100595
Copyright©️ 2020 Firvale Community Hub