One Knife, Many Lives: Empowering Sheffield Youth to Tackle Knife Crime

Yesterday the An Nasiha team hosted our highly anticipated interactive workshop, One Knife, Many Lives, at Firvale Community Hub in Sheffield. The event aimed to tackle the serious issue of knife crime, especially among young people, and what a powerful session it was!

The workshop was attended by 25 enthusiastic young individuals, aged 11 to 16, eager to learn about the harms of knife crime from both a practical and spiritual perspective.

We are profoundly grateful to our esteemed speakers, Anthony Olaseinde and Imam Amar Hafiz, who delivered outstanding presentations that captivated the audience and left a lasting impact. Anthony shared his expertise as an anti-knife crime campaigner, illustrating the real-life dangers and consequences of knife crime, while generously gifting each attendee a copy of his book to reinforce the key takeaways.

Imam Amar Hafiz offered a unique perspective, grounding the discussion in Islamic principles. His powerful reminders highlighted the sanctity of life in Islam and emphasized the spiritual and societal responsibilities we hold to preserve safety and harmony within our communities.

The event was interactive, thought-provoking, and deeply engaging. Both speakers received tremendous praise for their ability to connect with the young audience, ensuring the message was both relatable and impactful. At the end of the event all participants received a certificate acknowledging their attendance in such an important event.

We would like to extend a massive thank you to the parents and guardians who entrusted us with their children for this important session. Your support is invaluable, and together we hope to create a safer and more aware community.

Finally, we are grateful to all the volunteers and organisers who worked tirelessly to make this event a success.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hosting more events like this in the future

One knife, Many Lives event

Events & Awards

Firvale Community Hub has been achieving a number of awards in all aspects of its delivery.
These have been given to FCH for the outstanding contributions made to the life’s of people in the city of Sheffield.

Room Hire

For information about Room Hire, please send an email with your contact details and requirements to:

Prices are negotiable.

Contact our team today

127 Page Hall Road, Sheffield, S4 8GU
MON-FRI 09:00 - 19:00, SAT-SUN 10:00 - 14:00
Phone: (0114) 261 9130

Reg. Charity: 1152121 | 

Company number: 8409928

OISC Registrsation Number: N200100595

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