Cohesion And Community Services
Given the location of Fir Vale Community Hub (FCH) in the heart of Page Hall, Firvale, we have established an ethos to house, train, and engage people from various communities in the neighbourhood in order to develop and sustain relationships that will ensure the fair representation of residents who have a variety of needs and aspirations
FCH works in partnership with the Cohesion Advisory Group where we disseminate and feed-in information gleamed from the community to inform the strategic partnership thus ensuring that the community voice is heard.
Litter Education Events
FCH delivered a Litter Innovation Project where people came together to clean-up the streets and garden’s in their neighbourhood. The aim of this project was to educate the local community about the importance of keeping their streets clean and maintaining a healthy environment for their families to live in. The project was very successful and people continue to carry out litter picks to ensure the standards are maintained.
Hate Crime Prevention Events
We enable young people to contribute to the running of the sessions encouraging them to build up skills, leadership and confidence and to motivate them to take a greater interest in society and community services.
Events & Awards
Firvale Community Hub has been achieving a number of awards in all aspects of its delivery.
These have been given to FCH for the outstanding contributions made to the life’s of people in the city of Sheffield.
Room Hire
For information about Room Hire, please send an email with your contact details and requirements to:
Prices are negotiable.
Contact our team today

127 Page Hall Road, Sheffield, S4 8GU
MON-FRI 09:00 - 19:00, SAT-SUN 10:00 - 14:00
Email: info@firvalecommunityhub.org.uk
Phone: (0114) 261 9130
Reg. Charity: 1152121 |
Company number: 8409928
OISC Registrsation Number: N200100595
Copyright©️ 2020 Firvale Community Hub